Comments on: HTML5 logo: W3C takes a step in the right direction Working together for standards Wed, 27 Mar 2013 12:19:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ajeet Ajeet Fri, 04 Feb 2011 21:54:14 +0000 I was part of the "wave of negative feedback concerning the HTML5 logo." Thank you very much. Glad to help :) I was part of the “wave of negative feedback concerning the HTML5 logo.” Thank you very much. Glad to help :)

By: Marietta Remodeler Marietta Remodeler Wed, 02 Feb 2011 01:41:51 +0000 Great post. As my grandma used to say, "we all gotta pick our battles". Like the last posters comments about why they may have picked this battle. At the end of the day, it won't accomplish much, where as focusing energy on across the board standards, like ya'll do, that makes good sense. Communication between humans is hard enough, we need systems and formats that make it easier to get on the same page! Great post. As my grandma used to say, “we all gotta pick our battles”. Like the last posters comments about why they may have picked this battle. At the end of the day, it won’t accomplish much, where as focusing energy on across the board standards, like ya’ll do, that makes good sense. Communication between humans is hard enough, we need systems and formats that make it easier to get on the same page!

By: John A. Bilicki III John A. Bilicki III Sun, 30 Jan 2011 20:34:30 +0000 It's at a minimal a marketing stunt and none of the reasons the excessive number of large words add up mathematically speaking for removing the version number; it really seems to come down to from what I've read that the WHATWG had mild to harsh disagreements with the W3C and decided to take their own route. It's a symbolic move to say they work on "HTML" instead of HTML5 as in the idea that they have taken over all of the work on HTML as a whole (e.g. HTML 1~5) thus somehow superseding the W3C. I'm still calling HTML5 HTML5 because that's what it is. People will still use HTML 4.01 and 3.2 in example long in to the lifespan and beyond HTML5 and 6. Removing the number doesn't serve any useful technical functionality or benefit. It’s at a minimal a marketing stunt and none of the reasons the excessive number of large words add up mathematically speaking for removing the version number; it really seems to come down to from what I’ve read that the WHATWG had mild to harsh disagreements with the W3C and decided to take their own route. It’s a symbolic move to say they work on “HTML” instead of HTML5 as in the idea that they have taken over all of the work on HTML as a whole (e.g. HTML 1~5) thus somehow superseding the W3C.

I’m still calling HTML5 HTML5 because that’s what it is. People will still use HTML 4.01 and 3.2 in example long in to the lifespan and beyond HTML5 and 6. Removing the number doesn’t serve any useful technical functionality or benefit.

By: Tweets that mention HTML5 logo: W3C takes a step in the right direction - The Web Standards Project -- Tweets that mention HTML5 logo: W3C takes a step in the right direction - The Web Standards Project -- Fri, 28 Jan 2011 23:13:10 +0000 [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by karannnnnnnnnnn3 and FMC Washington DC, sin3rss. sin3rss said: HTML5 logo: W3C takes a step in the right direction: After receiving a wave of negative feedback concerning the ... [...] [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by karannnnnnnnnnn3 and FMC Washington DC, sin3rss. sin3rss said: HTML5 logo: W3C takes a step in the right direction: After receiving a wave of negative feedback concerning the … [...]
