Working together for standards The Web Standards Project

Paul Bohman of is seeking college and university students with disabilities. He will be researching and conducting a study about the use of Web in higher education. Paul will conduct interviews over the next few weeks via phone, email, online chat, or in person(he is located in Logan Utah, United States). While the primary focus surrounds students in United States schools, he is also interested in participants from all over the world. The WebAim team can interview in English, Spanish, German, Hindi, or Telugu.

If you are interested or you know of a person who may be interested, please pass the information on to contact Paul Bohman.

The web site offers tutorials, tips, news, information, and a Discussion Forum about the accessibility of web content(including rich media and digital documents). Nicely redesigned, is valid XHTML 1.0 strict and uses CSS without tables to deliver its content. The front page offers up the latest news or articles of interest. One article, Do Accessible Web Sites Have to be boring?, may be of interest to many.

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